Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship of the Australian Plastics Recovery Conference provides an excellent opportunity to:

  • Promote your organisation, support your brand and maintain a high profile among key influencers and decision-makers before, during and after the event
  • Stimulate discussion on issues that affect your industry
  • Demonstrate your position and commitment to a circular economy for Australia
  • Connect, engage, interact and influence your target audience
  • Establish, renew and build relationships with existing clients, prospects and stakeholders
  • Enable your target audience to experience your product/service and people
  • Establish your position as the leader of trends and reforms within the industry
  • Launch new initiatives and products
  • Build your brand, gain valuable knowledge and establish key contacts that will be able to help you build your business

The partnership opportunities outlined in the prospectus (see download link on the right) have been developed to provide maximum exposure for your products and services during the Australian Plastics Recovery Conference.

The conference is designed to allow for a multitude of formal and informal networking opportunities allowing you to interact with delegates and exchange ideas in a relaxed environment. There are a variety of packages available designed to provide maximum exposure for your organisation in all promotions before, during and after the event.

If your organisation wants to stand out as being an innovator in the plastics recycling sector, you can’t afford to miss out on this opportunity.

If you would like to expand your partnership package or have an innovative sponsorship product you would like to promote, please contact us. We would like to discuss how we can assist you in meeting your marketing objectives.


AIEN events attract a high calibre of participants from across Australia as well as internationally.

The Australian Plastics Recovery Conference is expected to attract more than 100 delegates from a wide-range of specialities including:

  • Material and product manufacturers
  • Plastics processors
  • Domestic and global brands
  • Researchers/academics
  • Product designers/developers
  • Equipment suppliers
  • Consultancies
  • State/Local/Federal Government
  • NGO’s